Introduction As I started creating YouTube Woodworking Videos in my Woodworking shop I realized that my shop lighting while very good for woodworking was NOT good for video work. I needed lighting that would be horizontal not vertical. That is in your face instead of overhead. Details and History I had purchased some umbrella […]
Quilting Design Wall
Work Shop Update 8-3-16
Introduction An update from the MySaw WorkShop. Please join me for a quick update about my life and my woodworking. My Health, Sinus and CPAP Video Lighting New Barn Board shelf project Sewing Cutting Table completed The Video Products, Tools and Supplies Peach State Lumber: Barn Boards and excellent selection of hardwoods Atlanta Specialty […]
MySaw You Tube Channel Welcome-Introduction Video
Introduction As part of the YouTube Channel setup a visitor see an Introduction/Welcome video. This Channel Trailers will always show if a visitor is NOT Subscribed to the channel. This video give me the opportunity to introduce myself, and to provide some insight into the “WHY” of the channel. I have included a one minute […]
Push Block Shelf for Table Saw
Beginners Hand Planing
Intro This video will show beginners how to plane a board smooth. This board would be flat from milling on the jointer and thickness planer. The video will show the process of using a “jack” plane and a “smoother” plane. The Video Products, Tools and Supplies Lie Neilsen LN 62 Jack Plane Lee Vallery, Veritas […]
Plane Iron Sharpening – Bevel Up
WordPress For Woodworkers – Hosting
This is a post about my decision to change Web Hosting Providers. If you have a WordPress Website, then you must have a place for it to live, aka, a Hosting Company. My Comments and decsions So What About WordPress Hosting ? A good list of Hosting sites: To compare what I think […]
Whiteside Ultimate Pattern – Trim Bit
Intro A Shop Talk showing examples on using the Whiteside Ultimate Sprial/Trim router bits. This video will show 5 examples of how I have used these two very amazing router bits. I have two of these Bits. Whiteside Model UDP9112 Ultimate Spiral Pattern Bit Whiteside Model UDFT9112 Spiral Flush Trim This video will show 5 […]