Getting close to the end. Two things are happening somewhat at the same time.
I have been trying to get a finish on the drawer fronts. When a project is shop furniture it is a good time to experiment with finishes. This time I went full on with WaterLox. This has not worked out as I expected or wanted. After a lot of reading, WaterLox, a tung oil finish, is very durable, but lots of considerations in application. Some treat WaterLox as a wipe on. It will work as a wipe on but it is very hard to get build up of finish. WaterLox is really designed to be brushed. However in my shop this ended up with lots of dust in the finish and nothing like the smooth, silky finish that I like on my projects. ( See this LINK)
I do have a very deep look and the wood looks really great. Just not smooth. So next I have decided to sand to a smooth surface. I have let the last coat of WaterLox dry for over a week. It is still somewhat soft.
So I sanded then applied an Arm-R-Seal wipe on gel poly with satin finish. I think this will work after 2-3 coats.
More on the finish later…
Next Drawer Orgranizers. I have two types of drawer organizers. One for chisels and one for all other stuff.
The fun part was using some crate wood from my Italian Table purchase. The crate was all 1″ soft white pine ( or something very close from Italy).
So after the Jointer, Band Saw and planer I had wood for the organizer boxes.
Add some 1/2″ plywood and the router table and I have chisel dividers.