My daughter calls on December 10th. “Dad, Molly is getting a castle ( doll house size ) for Christmas. She needs some furniture !”.
Having no idea how to approach building doll house furniture, I start exploring the internet. I really did not find much. I found one 20 year old book on Amazon. I did find THE website for all things doll house. I ordered two Mission Style kits. A table and two chairs. These arrived. Very sterile laser cut precision parts that really just snap together. Very clear white wood, not really balsa but maybe. A few dabs of glue and I had a table a chairs. I put some stain and three coat of spay can lacquer. NOT what I was really thinking.
In my head I wanted something that looked like real wood that a 4 year old could play with without breaking. Lots on thinking leading to some plans on Dec 25th. ( Really ).
So this is the finished product. I was really pleased. It’s all cherry with two coats of WaterLox. It is 5 3/4″ x 2 3/4″. The tall bed posts are 4 inches. So this was supposed to be about 1″ = 1 ft. The sides, head board and foot board are 3/32″ thick.
This was a fun project. This requires the same skills a full scale furniture. Parts must fit. Below are the “build pictures”.
Enjoy. ( I did ).