Our monthly Woodworkers Guild Of GA meeting was last night. The program, “How to fit drawers”, was presented by Steve Quehl.
WOW, What an incredible presentation. Steve is an excellent craftsman and speaker. While the topic was How to fit drawers, the topic was really how to build a sqaure table.
So why don’t drawers fit sometimes? Steve concentrated on one central theme. Square !!! Everything is critical to the end product.
So what is important. The list below are some major points.
- Full size drawing, with 3 views.
- Stock selection
- Milling techniques
- Joinery, dovetail and tennons
- Actual drawer fitting
- When NOT square is ok.
The basic theme over the entire talk is the details count. A full size drawing really makes you think about each measurement and joint. Sometimes you may not follow a plan exactly. The full size drawing helps find the missing details.
Milling techniques needs to be your process, which is very consistent and have a method of measurements and marking. Steve gave lots of hints he uses.
At then end I never realized how tight drawers really need to be, to end up with a snug fit that feels good the the hand.
Please enjoy the pictures in the album. I tried make relevant comments each each.