I am pushing slowly towards hand tools. I really wanted two cross cut handsaws. So I have been reading and asking questions on my favorite forum WoodNet.net. This thread was very helpful from the great woodworkers on the forum.
So while looking at saws on ebay I found this saw. There were 4 hours left and the prices was only at $20. Very unusual. Nice crosscut Disston saws are abut $150 – $180. So I put in a bid for max $30. I won !!
I asked the folks on WoodNet.net what they thougth of my purchase. Most said it would probably be a good “user” saw.
So here is what I bought for $20.
- There is little pitting on the plate.
- By my eye I think I see a very slight S curve in the line of the top of the plate.
- It is clean and has been sharpened. 8 ppi cross cut.
- The handle would ( I think ) would have stopped most from purchasing, but I really did not know what I was looking at.
- The handle is tight.
- It has been sharpened.
I did a couple of cuts through some 2 x 3 in hardwood. It seems to be “catchy” if that is a description. Maybe I need to run a file down the sides. I have seen that in the classes I have taken.
It did cut the hardwood with no problem. Since it is a 8 ppi it would be my rough cross cut.
This is nothing like the 10ppi I got from Michael Merlo ( azmica90405 on ebay ). It is much nicer quality ( D 15 Victory ) and cuts like butter. No catching.
BTW the Michael Merlo was on recommendation from Woodnet.netl in this thread LINK.
Here are a bunch of pictures. Please let me know what you see in the pictures. I would really like to learn.