These pages are intended for other woodworkers to enjoy the build process for individual projects by MySaw.
2015 – Sewing Room Cutting Table
Sometime around July 2015, I began a project for my wife, that call the “Sewing Room Cutting Table” or hash tag #sewingcuttingtable.
This page will serve as a guide for all of of the build posts. Unfortunately this is a testimony to the fact that I do not work very fast and get distracted by many other projects.[clear-line]
2011 – Matthews Box
Another box project. I wanted to build a box for my grandson. This started with some figured maple scrapes that I had from a lucky find at a stair plant in Atlanta.[clear-line]
2009 – Big Green Egg
I have made several Big Green Egg Tables for myself and my friends. I have a standing offer to any of my friends to build a BGE table in my shop. They purchase the materials and come help and can take home a BGE Table they helped to produce.[clear-line]
2009 – Box 1
This was the first real nice box that I have created. This was based on one piece of highly figured cherry. I am very critical of mixing wood species in a project. For this project I choose quarter sawn cherry. This way the highly figured wood would not fight with the consistent look of the quarter sawn wood.[clear-line]
2009 – Church Sound Baffles
The technical team ( sound guys ) asked me to create some sound baffles for the horn section in our orchestra.
They had purchases the baffles with cloth covering, so I just had to design something that would hold the baffle and stand up. I chose ash to build the enclosures. It is great to work with and takes stain and finishes well. The team was very please with the results.[clear-line]
2008 – Room Build Out
It all started in 2003 when I started to buy tools and build my workshop. My story to my wife was that “I am going to build you a nice room all your own”. So 10 years later, we are getting close. Of course I had to retire ( 1/31/13 ) to get the final finishing done on the room.
The room is about 11′ x 20′. It has a raised flood, which was necessary to get a level floor. Full stud walls over the concrete block. A dropped ceiling and bambo laminate floors. The sliding glass door was replaced by a very high end French door set. The window was replaced with a solid pane glass which will be a deep window perfect for flowers.[clear-line]
OK… You really have to be a glutton for punishment to think about looking at this album. This is the story of a room for my wife in our basement.
2007 – Lamont Table
This table was the first real furniture project in my new shop. Started in 2007, it has yet to be completed in 2014. This will get done this year. The project was finished when the top severely warped. Broke the hold downs. An attempt was made to correct the top, but this failed when there was not enough material remaining to properly fit the base.
A new top was glued u from 3 pieces of cherry. Due to the age of the base the new top was slightly stained to better match the wood in the base of the table.
When complete this will be a gift to my oldest daughter. Only about 6 years later than expected. It will not be perfect, but it will be done and it will be loved and last for a very long time.[clear-line]