As I was building my shop, I read on so many forums the concerns about dust in the shop. The granddaddy of all dust collection sites is the site. This is the site that has been a reference to anyone considering dust colletion and cyclone systems.
I read and read the forums. I made two conclusions. First, everyone who had a DC and then upgraded to a cyclone wished they had just started with a cyclone system. And second, I looked at all of the systems, ClearView, Gorrila, Penn State and Grizzly. I also concluded they would all work and purchased based on price, service and reputation.
I choose the Grizzly G0441. I first had to consider how to get it delievered and into the basement. Grizzly offers lift gate delievery. I decided that I could get it delivered and then break it down and wheel the piece into the basement. So that’s what happened.
After months of the cyclone sitting in my basement in pieces, I went throught a massive cleanup to clear the space where the cyclone would live.
As always, I figure out everything in my head ( well as much as I can ) and then start looking at the physical parts.
I completed the wall hanging unit on my own. This was a lot of work to get bolts through the concrete blocks so all would be secure.
A good friend came over to help. He was great. We both think alike so he was watching me and handing me the next set of bolts or parts required. The process took about 6 hours and we had it running.
I was really concerned it was so loud! More about that later.It took me a while to get to the actual piping installation.
Duct Work Installation
I read all of the forums and decided on Sewer Grade PVC piping. This was really because I thought it would cost less and I really DO NOT like working with sheet metal for any reason.
I had a plan and had worked out how many connectors etc that I would need. However most of this was just figured out as I went.
I am VERY pleased with the installation. The cyclone operation is VERY quiet ( about 70db ). I attribute a lot of the noise suppression to the PVC pipe. I really do not have anything to base this on since this is the only installation I have done or seen.
I had planning all along to create an enclosure for the cyclone. I had read enought to know that noise was a problem.
This is the finished project. There was not enought room for hinges on the door, so it is done hatch style with 4 spin off knobs.
This has worked extremely well.
The Plan