WordPress For Woodworkers – Hosting

This is a post about my decision to change Web Hosting Providers.   If you have a WordPress Website, then you must have a place for it to live, aka, a Hosting Company.

My Comments and decsions

So What About WordPress Hosting ?

A good list of Hosting sites:  http://www.wpbeginner.com/hosting/

To compare what I think are the two best check this article:  http://www.omnicoreagency.com/best-wordpress-hosting/

One very important question to get answered.  “If I get hacked, what support to you offer ?”

What is Important ?

One very important decision point is how technical are you ?  When things to wrong with a WordPress site, the problem can get very complex very quickly.  I have been in the website world since 2000 and I am still overwhelmed by the complexity of some problems.

I assume if you are reading this, you are a woodworker, and very likely a technical person.  But what would you prefer doing ?

In my video I talk about three major concerns of hosting.

  • Stability
  • Security
  • Speed

Some of these three are can only be provided by you hosting service, some can be provided by you with WordPress Plugins.

Before my move to WP Engine, I added three main WP Plugins:

After my move to WP Engine all three of these plugins were removed.

Why do WordPress Websites get hacked ?

This is a really good article.  https://getflywheel.com/layout/why-do-wordpress-websites-get-hacked/

Just believe this.  If you have a WordPress Website, you are a target!

Do this Google Search

The Bottom line.

For me, I was just tired of dealing with technical issues and what I considered not really great speed.  I looked at the total amount of time and money I was spending, made some decision about exactly what I wanted for my web presence and made the jump to WP Engine.

20% Off WP Engine
