Day 1 I milled the first 4 boards for the bench top. These were ready to be glued. Day 2 was the glue up. This was very interesting and I learned what worked and what did not work.
I am using TiteBond Extended glue. This give me 15 minutes open time and 25 minutes working time. I found this glue to be thinner than my normal TiteBond II.
I first tried a 4″ roller and a 4″ roller pan. This did not work well. After the first board I switched to a squirt bottle with nozzle cut way back. This worked much better but I cut too much nozzle so the hole was too big. I have more bottles. I am going to start with a much smaller hole.
After applying the glue with the bottle, the 4″ roller worked very well. I just got too much glue on the board. I used a 1/4″ nap. I am going to try a shorter nap ( 3/16″ ) on the next glue up.
Clamping got real exciting !! I thought 8 clamps would do fine. I was organized and ready. I put the 8 clamps on and the joints seemed to have a gap. ( Too much glue !! ). So I added more clamps, 17 total !!
I cleaned off a small area to re-assure myself that the joints were pulled tight. There were !! Whew !!
I did make one mistake on aligning the dominoes. Need to double check that next time.
Here is a fun video I shot while doing the glue up. It stops short. This was my first attempt at this. 900 pictures, one a second, converted to movie @7 per second.
Bench Build Blog Index
Album with Day 2 pictures below.