The task for Day 4 is to complete the milling process for the bench top boards. I learned a lot from completing the first section. The process would be much more efficient to mill all the boards at one time.
I did not accomplish all of the processing today. I got the first rough cuts on all eight of the 8 ft. 8/4″ stock. I completed 6 of the 13 finish top pieces.
There is a rule when you are milling that to avoid as much twisting of final milled boards, you should mill all sides. Time wise I decided I could get 6 boards done in a reasonable amount of time. ( My normal time in the shop runs 3-4 hours. )
What I learned today:
- Again this is heavy stuff.
- The in-feed and out-feed support stands need to be as exactly set as possible.
- The new Gripper jointer push blocks are just excellent for the wide side of the boards, which is my first pass on the jointer.
- Using rubber coated glove to push the second side through the jointer works much better than my standard work gloves. This side must be pushed against the jointer fence.
- The result from the jointer is not perfect. I need to perfect the method I am using to push the first pass. I believe I can get a more consistent result.
From the above, “What I learned” the result was 3 of the boards are not flat when testing the glue up joints. ( See pictures ) I tried the “fix” these with my LN #8 by hand. This did help me understand how bad the surface was coming off the jointer. More to learn about that in Day 5.
I am having a great time in the shop. Learning more about all my tools and especially how precise we have to be to get great results.
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