The objective for Day 6 is to get the third top section glued up and start the milling and building process for the legs.
The second section came out of the clamps in fine shape. I decided to cut off the excess length with my $20 handsaw. The saw and my technique have a long way to go. But it got done with NO power tools.
I got section three ready and got it glued up. I am REALLY liking the short nap roller and simple glue bottle. I got very close to exactly ( my opinion ) the right amount of glue. I like the way I can “work in” the glue to the wood with the roller.
Next came the legs. The legs are 5 1/8″ x 3 1/2″ by about 34″. My 8/4 stock mills out to about 1 1/2″ to 1 3/4″. So the challenge is to get the 3 1/2″. It may take 3 pieces to build up the legs since two 1 1/2″ pieces will NOT be 3 1/2″. DUH ! I had a 6 cut offs from the top boards, so I decide to 4 square them to 2 3/8″ wide and glue them for the 5 1/8 width. This is confusing… Just say the legs take a LOT of wood ! I will show a much better picture tomorrow.
The last thing is my new glue up “system”. This is not my idea. I saw this on a YouTube video by a cutting board guy. He does lots of glue ups and this is his system.
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