The objective for today is routing out the tail vise slot and complete the glue up of the forth section of the top. That will be the last section.
Built a jig to allow routing the template slot. This is being done on the side of the top piece. It uses the same router setups as the dog holes on Day 8.
This process when very well. Lots of double checking and trying the template before turning on the routers does pay off.
Once the router work was done, it was time to glue up the last 4 top pieces, which includes the dog hole and tail vise slot piece.
The glue up did not so well. I proceeded like I had done on the 3 sections. The first mistake was putting glue on board that mates with the dog hole strip. I put glue where the dog hole were cut. This means that the inside of dog holes would have a layer of glue and squeeze out to deal with. There was a warning about that on the Benchcrafted blog. So I quickly had to recover. I used a scraper and scrapped off the glue. Then was careful around the actual dog hole so not to have excess glue squeeze out.
When it came to clamping all was going well. I was checking how tight the boards were pulling together and realized the tail vise slot needed clamps to pull it tight ( You can see this in the pictures ). Thanks to having lots of great clamps, I pulled out the Gross Stabil BIG F clamps. I was able to get enough of them to pull the gap tight.
On to day 10.
Bench Build Blog Index
Please enjoy the full set of day 9 pictures with detailed comments: